May didn’t know she would be tickled

Definition - 2160P
Length - 24:00


May, 18 years old, didn’t know she would be tickled. When she signed the contract, May was warned the testing could cause excessive suffering. But this clueless patient had NO IDEA that tickling her as much as possible would be the objective of this experiment. Our customers know that we ALWAYS ask our patients to resist the torment. May can’t hold in her reactions for even few seconds! She is really HORRIBLY ticklish from arms to toes…

With a written promise of no physical harm and no nudity during recording, May signed an agreement to be tied up and to receive a “stress test,” without knowing what we were going to do (because she refused the rights to know which techniques we would use to cause desperation, make her cry, etc.). Also, the contract specifies that the treatment will not stop once started. No safe word.

But who is May? May a “lovely alien”, is for sure the strangest and positively craziest girl we’ve ever met! A girl that never saw a horror movie in her life, a genuine girl that really thinks that stuffed animals have a soul… She finally agreed to participate in our videos a second and even third time (the second time has not been edited and the third time has not been recorded yet). For creating the best-selling video of 2022, she won a full paid holiday in Venice, Italy.

To appreciate the benefits of the three-dimensional immersive surround sound (obtained with 4 different separate microphones), watch this video with headphones! With headphones you will appreciate the charm of a real immersive 3D experience… Recorded with 3 different 6K cameras!

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