No Safeword – Karley Salinas

Definition - 1080P
Length - 14:25


Id waited a good while to get to work with Karly and once I knew she was headed to the con I couldn’t miss my chance finally!

If you’ve seen me tickle Liz River, you should know what to expect with Karly; that is, she’s so sensitive that I can’t use much beyond fingers and brushes or it actually hurts her, and no wonder! Those soles are like pillows!

So, with poor Karly strapped and sealed, her mouth is wrapped shut and her time on the table begins!

As a disclaimer! She was set to do 15 on the table. She DID do it, but I had to cut the chunk out of the beginning because I realized partway in, what I was using wasn’t tickling, it was hurting– not my goal ever. Well, I had forgotten to reset the clock for the full 15, so she ended up with a bit less, but still a solid ride for someone THIS sensitive to tickling!

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