Nelly’s Rollerblade Experience

Definition - 1080P
Length - 06:51


Nelly is the kind of girl who likes to manipulate and take advantage of her footboy, and it seems like she also enjoys to drive him crazy with her feet! She totally knows about his addiction to her smelly feet so sometimes, she send him text message during the day while she is doing rollerblade, just to distract him while he is working! Her socks become so sweaty and stinky with her rollerblades in her feet, this is just sick! She is coming back home after her long rollerblade ride and it seems like her footboy was just napping on the bed. Nelly now wants to wake him up with her sweaty socks in his face!

She just teases him with her rollers in her feet and takes them off to immediately cover his face with her super sweaty mismatched socks! This loser slave is so addicted to the smell of her feet that just the smell of her socks gives him an instant erection! Nelly likes to drive him crazy with her smelly feet and control his soul so she grabs his cock out of his pants just to make some fun with it! She starts to lick his balls and his cock while he just had no choice to breathe in her sweaty mismatched socks! Nelly just takes pleasure to rub her sweaty socks all over his face while sucking his cock harder and harder! She sucks his cock and his balls really hard until there is a huge explosion of cum inside her mouth! Nelly is just hot as hell in this clip! This is for sure without a doubt, one of our best blowjob clip ever!

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