Hysteria & Convulsions for Natacha Under Charleen’s Fingers

Definition - 720P
Length - 12:00


The sexy Natacha is wrapped face down on a table and at the mercy of her sadistic friend Charleen who gave her the punishment of her life.
This clip is just incredible because Natacha is more ticklish that ever in this position at the point that her reactions are crazy.

She has so intensive convulsions on the table that the FT tickler has to hold strongly the table with all his forces while Charleen tickles her.
She has never exploded in hysteria as here and this is the first time she loses control at this point, she absolutely can’t stand the tickling.

Charleen has so much fun with her crazy reactions and more she tickles her more she’s ticklish this is just incredible.
It was a real extremely intensive experience for Natacha and this is probably one of our best tickling session ever recorded!

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