Meloxy – Armpits and belly tickling in stocks

Definition - 1080P
Length - 18:17


By John

In this video, the charming cutie Meloxy is restrained in stocks, lying in a Y-position, with her hands behind her head locked at the elbows and wrists, while her legs are spread and secured in the stocks.

The cutie is barefoot so it’s important to note that in this clip, only the upper body tickling of her armpits, tummy, and belly button are included.

So, it turns out Meloxy is very ticklish under her arms, and it’s truly her weak spot. In this clip, I’m showing you just how much.
A light touch is all it takes for Meloxy to start feeling uncomfortable because it’s ticklish there. If you intensify the stimulation, she starts to sweetly squeal and squirm. Basically, she’s a perfect ticklee.

Besides the armpits, I also tickle Meloxy’s belly and delve into her belly button, then I go back to her ticklish armpits and sides. Enjoy!

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