
Introducing the best trio we ever had ! Remastered

Definition - 2160P
Length - 07:12


Let me introduce this new trio ! We met them in Paris, they are young, they are beautiful and they are ticklish off the charts ! Céline, Tom and Apolline are probably the trio with the best alchemy. They always taunt each other even before the shoot, what usually is a good start !

The three models are sitting on the bed, and they are interviewed by the tickler. Céline, Tom and Apolline introduce themselves, they tell you how ticklish they are and they trie to guess who is gonna be the most ticklish of the trio. They all are wearing their shoes for this part, but they will have to take them off now since the tickler wants to see how ticklish they are – cause words are good, but a demo is far better ! The three of them are tickled on their feet and on their upperbody. Tom discovers that he is more ticklish than he thought, Céline is juste insanely sensitive, and Apolline is so sweet, it’s insane !

Sooo … who do you want to see being tickled mercilessly first 😎 ?

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